The Net0Manager project, aimed at transforming conventional management practices, has officially commenced its journey towards a sustainable future. Following a kickoff meeting held in Badajoz, Spain, at the end of the previous year, the N0M consortium has been diligently preparing to revolutionize management paradigms as we currently understand them.

The primary objective of the project is to enhance the skills and competencies of European Union managers in carbon management. Through innovative approaches tailored towards Net-0 management, the project aims to target Vocational Education and Training (VET) trainers and managers. This strategic initiative is poised not only to equip individuals with the requisite knowledge and tools to effect real change in Net-0 management but also to contribute significantly to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

The Net0Manager project is led by Training 2000, serving as the project coordinator. Collaborating closely with VET institutes, representatives from Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), and experts specializing in environmental and engineering services across Europe, the consortium comprises key partners such as Innogestiona Ambiental (Spain), European Entrepreneurs CEA – PME (Belgium), Sunrise Tech Park (Lithuania), Gebze Teknik Üniversitesi (Turkey), Hétfa Kutatóintézet (Hungary), and SUPSI University (Switzerland) as associated partners.

The first transnational project meeting took place on December 14-15, 2022, in Badajoz, Spain. During this meeting, the partners deliberated on the project’s objectives, target groups, and anticipated outcomes. Additionally, various organizational aspects were discussed, laying the groundwork for the project’s progression.

Key outcomes envisioned by the consortium include:

  1. Net0Manager Training Toolkit and Competence Map: The comprehensive training toolkit will feature a competence map and a modular training path, facilitating SMEs and their managers in gaining a nuanced understanding of the Net0 concept. It will offer practical guidance on integrating Net0 practices into daily business operations.
  2. Net0Manager Online Training Platform: An online training platform will be established to provide accessible resources and interactive learning modules, catering to the diverse needs of participants.
  3. Net0Manager Recommendation Set Strategy: The consortium will devise a strategy to disseminate recommendations derived from the project’s findings, fostering widespread adoption of Net0 management practices.

The initial focus of the partners will be on developing the Net0 Manager comprehensive training toolkit, which will serve as a cornerstone for subsequent project activities. This toolkit will undergo meticulous refinement to ensure its alignment with the identified skills and competencies essential for driving the Net0 transition within companies.

As the Net0Manager project progresses, stakeholders are encouraged to stay updated on its developments. Through collaborative efforts and innovative solutions, the project aims to pave the way towards a Net0 future, fostering sustainable management practices for generations to come.

#sustainability #netzero #innovation


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